Whether you’re discovering the wildlife in your own backyard, swimming in a lake for the first time at summer camp, or being a citizen scientist and observing bees in your neighborhood park, every outdoor adventure grows your “I’ve got this” attitude. And once you unlock that confidence, you’ll aim as high as the stars you see outside your cabin window.
Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes is a proud partner of
Leave No Trace, an organization dedicated to promoting environmental
education and conservation to protect the outdoors.
Leave No Trace is renowned for its 7 Principles and easy-to-follow
guidelines that teach outdoor enthusiasts how to minimize their impact
on nature. By integrating these principles into our outdoor
programming, we can continue to foster a culture of respect and
preservation for the great outdoors.
For the last six years, Delta Dental of Wisconsin has partnered with GSNWGL to support oral health education and provide free supplies for youth attending summer camp at Camp Birch Trails. They also help us provide hygiene kits to 400+ girls attending outreach programs in Appleton, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Stevens Point, and Wausau.